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Bernard Hinault will start the Shimano 24 Hours Cycling Le Mans

Die 12. Ausgabe des 24-Stunden Rennens am legendären Bugatti Circuit steigt unter Teilnahme der französischen Radsportlegende von 28. bis 29. August 2021. 531 Teams mit insgesamt 2.400 Teilnehmern starten in den Kategorien Solo, 2er, 4er, 6er oder 8er Teams.

Bugatti Circuit 4185 meters / 2,6 miles long (Foto: 24h Le Mans)

Bugatti Circuit 4185 meters / 2,6 miles long (Foto: 24h Le Mans)

After a late cancellation in 2020, the Shimano 24 Hours cycling's 2021 edition will take place on the Le Mans circuit next 28/29 August. This announcement follows the last meeting between the organizers and the Sarthe Prefecture ‘s services last 6 August.

In January, despite the lack of visibility, the maximum quota of 560 teams was achieved in less than two weeks, proof of the enthusiasm for the french cyclosportive. Since then, the race had been moved by one week, to make way for the legendary 24 Hours of Le Mans (Car version). Thus, 2400 riders divided in 531 teams, will take the start for 24 hours.

Bernard Hinault will start the race
The start will be given by Bernard Hinault, one of the greatest French champions who won five Tour de France, three Giro d’Italia and two Tour of Spain. Nicknamed "Le Blaireau" in the professional peloton, he dominated international cycling between 1978 and 1986. He will take part in the race with a 8 riders team, composed of friends and family members.
Other personalities will also participate, such as ex-pro French riders Sylvain Chavanel, Jérôme Coppel, Michel Laurent and Roger Legeay. The trail champion, Nathalie Mauclair, will ride under the colours of France Bleu Maine, the local radio; her team will be composed of journalists, and radio listeners.

Spectators will also be able to access to the Bugatti circuit, by the North entrance (Luigi Chinetti‘s place), from Saturday at 8am. As well as all the competitors, each person acceding to the site will have to present a valid health passport, and to respect health recommendations (mask compulsory) available on www.24heuresvelo.fr/en.

The Saturday morning event “La Matinale Le Maine Libre – Le Département de la Sarthe” will be exceptionally cancelled.

The official speaker of the 24 Hours of Le Mans, Bruno Vandestick, will animate the event with regular live videos on Facebook, to not miss any of the highlights. France Bleu Maine, the local radio partner, will offer a live broadcast from the circuit, Saturday and Sunday between 2 and 4pm.

Romain Gasnal, for CGO Evénement, concludes: ”We have built solid health recommendations inspired by other events, such as Moto GP or 24 Hours Moto of Le Mans. The Bugatti circuit is very big compared to the expected public, but we have reinforced the staff on site. With all the major sporting events coming back, the sky finally seems to be clearing. This is excellent news, because sport is good for health and mood, but it’s also necessary for the return of the “living together”, which we all need so much.”

2021 Shimano 24 Hours Cycling in figures:
- Information and registrations: www.24heuresvelo.fr/en/
- 2398 registered riders (531 teams): 80 single (2 women), 40 pairs (10 mixes), 143 teams of 4 riders (1 woman), 219 teams of 6 riders (3 women and 47 mixes), 49 teams of 8 riders (1 woman and 9 mixes)
- Bugatti circuit: 2600 miles - Uphill: 656 yd. from 3,5 % to 7 % - Downhill : 1094 yd. at 2 %
- Visitors: Free entry - Entry possible via the North entrance (museum); on presentation of a valid health passport

Artikel vom 19.08.2021


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