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Arlberg Giro

Al Adaid Desert Challenge 3.3.2017

Erik Dekker, mehrfacher Tour de France Etappensieger, holte sich die zweite Ausgabe des Wüstenrennens über zahlreiche Sanddünen in Katar. Pia Sundstedt gewann bei den Damen.

Flacher Kurs, doch kosten die sandigen Abschnitte und die Dünen viel Kraft ©GettyImages/aladaid.qa

Flacher Kurs, doch kosten die sandigen Abschnitte und die Dünen viel Kraft ©GettyImages/aladaid.qa

Dekker took victory, in the Qatar Cyclist Centre organized event, in 1h11m39s over the new 38.6km course that includes six testing sand dunes. New Zealand’s Roman Van Uden and French national MTB marathon champion Frederic Gombert came in second and third respectively in the UCI elite race, in times of 1h14m53 and 1h22m59.

On victory in the race Dekker commented; “I love the race, I love the challenge. I broke from the pack already 3 km after the start near the 1st dune. I waited for Van Uden since it is long way to ride alone for 30 km, but then realized I was much faster on the dunes’

Dekker, who visited Qatar with his wife continued; “It is really nice to come to Qatar from Europe at this time of year. Qatar has great weather, city and beautiful desert... it’s great to combine your visit of the country with the event. I would recommend it to everyone.”

The women’s event was won by Qatar resident, Pia Sundstedt in a time of 1h30m03s. The Finish mountain bike star, who won multiple UCI MTB World Cup’s during her career beat Australia’s Julie Melville respectively.

Pia commented “As a rider experience it was perfect... the atmosphere is amazing. The new finish was nice, especially the last sand dune, from where you could see the water and the finish line. Riding down the dune was real fun. I had a support from my husband and son. We all enjoyed in the event.”

In addition to the elite’s, the race also saw over 240 amateur riders register and 200 compete on the day. Riders competed in mountain bike, fat bike and Qatari national’s categories. Full results can be found at www.aladaid.qa.

© Getty Images/aladaid.qa

Artikel vom 28.02.2017:

Al Adaid Desert Challenge 3.3.2017
UCI Mountainbikerennen in Katar - Die spektakuläre Strecke führt durch die Wüste über zahlreiche Sanddünen bis zum Naturreservat Khor Al Adaid - Registrierung möglich bis 28.2.2017.

Für alle, die dem winterlichen Wetter entfliehen wollen und einmal in einem Golfstaat einen Bewerb mit dem Mountain- oder Fatbike absolvieren möchten, bietet die Al Adaid Desert Challenge ein heißes Wüstenrennen mit Staub, Sand, Dünen und dazu ein tolles Preisgeld. Nachstehend die aktuelle Info des Veranstalters.

Al Adaid Desert Challenge – one of Gulf’s “most interesting” off road events returns 3rd of March
The Al Adaid Desert Challenge, is returning on 3rd of March 2017 for a seventh edition, organizers have announced, adding that the race has been officially added to the International Cycling Union’s (UCI) calendar for the first time. Registration for the race is open now and until 28 February.
Marked as UCI C3 Cross Country point to point race, it will cover 40 km of astonishing desert track from Sealine to one of Qatar’s most impressive natural wonders, the ‘Inland Sea’ or Khor Al Adaid.

The one-day desert challenge provides off-road cyclists a good combination of fun, hard work, comradery between riders, as well as a day of simply enjoying the outdoors on a bike. It is a spectator-friendly event and riders are encouraged to invite their friends and families to join them for the day in the desert.

Spectators are allowed to drive along the route (except prohibited areas such as the race sand dunes) and welcome the riders at the finish line, after which they can enjoy the afternoon together. The event also offers a fun non-competitive kids’ race at the finish area which also promotes family engagement.

Khor Al Adaid / Inland Sea
A UNESCO recognized nature reserve with its own ecosystem, the Inland Sea is one of the few places in the world where the sea encroaches deep into the heart of the desert. Inaccessible by road, this tranquil expanse of water can only be reached by crossing the rolling dunes. Riders will have to cross over six of them to reach the finish line.
Besides the grueling sand dunes, there are several sandy patches on the flat surfaces, which makes the race even more challenging. The length of the race might not be extreme, but every sand dune, each patch of sand demands something new from the riders. To be competitive, riders need be extremely fit, have an optimally set-up bike, choose the best path and sometimes also be lucky.

The total prize money is USD 50,000
All information regarding the race (also transportation, accommodation,…) can be found on the official web page: www.aladaid.qa Registration for participants is open until 28th of February 2017.

If you need any information feel free to ask via email info@aladaid.qa or www.fb.com/aladaid.qa.

Artikel vom 06.03.2017



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